Well today i had finals i decide i wasnt going to go the the afternoon reveiw periods unlike everyone else. So a sketchy second hand smoke filled hick hike later i found myself at home. Nobody could chill so i ate a sandwhich and scrolled NS for a bit. I broke into my stache for a bit of added entertainment value. I was bored tipsy and restless. So i thought well hell i mine as well go for bike ride. I aired up my tires and took another 2 shots then i was off with another beer in my bag. Its quite a vigorous climb from my house to the trailhead where i like to bike so after a bit of sweat i got up to the trail head cracked my blue moon then was off for a nice ride. I quickly found that biking with an open beer is well lets say very frothy and foamy. I stopped enjoyed half then was back on my way. I got to a felled tree where i figured my as well finish it off instead of monkeying around with lifting bike and beer over tree. Now the fun began. By now i was quite tipsy. I had a nice bike ride i think about 3 or 4 miles in from the trailhead and this trail is a cruiser. I must say biking whilst intoxicated is very fun. I had a shit ton of fun with my rear supension and loading it up right before a roller then flying. So NS i guess the point of this is have any of you done some chill mountain biking whilst slightly intoxicated. IF not i reconmend it but remember kids always wear a helmet