i fucking love OF but yeah tyler is kind of an attention whore. but whatever i was at this show and it was flame and when earl comes out he's gunna be a wayyy bigger deal than tyler like honestly its going to be ridiculous after all their hype like "oh this new group Odd Future but their best rapper isnt on tour and no one really knows whats up" so when it gets out that earls going on tour or his new album is dropping its gunna be wayyy bigger than goblin and the tour is gunna be ridiculous.
I love odd future cuz ive followed them for a long ass time and its sick to see that theyre getting hyped so hard i just hope they dont sell out. I wanna see fucking earl. Also if anyone goes to their website they used to have a thing that said fuck earls mom in the past 2 weeks that has been taken off idk if its a sign but its weird