my list, in no peticular order.
1. I can fuck with whoever i want without consequences, as long as im smart about it.
2. I cant find ways around any type of work and come out golden, one time i skipped english for like 5 days so i didnt have to do a project, and talked my way into a 70% (which is a B where im from)
3. Girls are called bitches for a reason, if theres 2 things not to be fucked with, it's wu tang, then girls.
4. Weed is okay, as long as you're not a burnout.
5. I learned that hard liquor is not for me.
6. I'm really good at running
7. Respect people who respect you. people see my ski edits and tell me how sick they are and that i'm really good, so when i see skate edits or a friend makes junior B hockey, i congrats them.
8.Never go full retard
9. I learned how to drive a car.
10. Life is expensive, and i spend a lot of money on useless things in highschool like going out for lunch when i don't need to. So i got a job now i have lots of money.