"while a school might be able to teach about finances very very generally, they cant teach specifically about credit cards, loans, text loans, high interest saving, rrsp's etc etc etc for a plethora of reasons. if you have a credit card, which i doubt, ask your parents what their interest rate is? what is their limit? do they have over spending on that limit? i guarantee the details on their card is way different then mine. why? because again, loans and credit cards and anything even remotely related to a bank whatsoever differs from client to client. how is a school to teach on something which is so incredibly broad"
you can teach about something incredibly broad. The teacher could teach about the benefits and disadvantages, and dangers of having a credit card/loans. they can teach about the different types of credit cards. they can teach about different types of interest, how to read the terms, how to pick a good card/loan... one that is manageable with a given level of income.
"hence why they dont."
I think a more reasonable explanation is because the north american high school system is antiquated.
considering these days so many people are jumping into financial quicksand with loans, credit cards and rent-to-own furniture stores, the school system does need to be updated. if students learn home economics, cooking, health, etc. in high school they should also learn about finances. (and guess what... cooking and health is a very broad subject, and everyone has a different ideal diet, but they still teach cooking in school because it's an important life skill)
"I cant for the life of me figure out why people complain about highschool teachings. its high school. its FREE!"
technically it's not free, we pay for it with our taxes. if a high school student has a summer job, then she is technically paying for a very small part of her schooling and so are her parents. also, have you ever heard of opportunity cost? high school costs a person X amount of dollars they COULD have earned if they dropped out at 15 years old and worked a job (obviously, however, it is worth it to finish). never assume something costs only as much money as you pay for it
"what have you ever got of any value to you that was free? finish it, then when you want to learn about something important go to college. pissed they dont teach you about finances, computers, or healthy living? teach your fuckin self then."
wow. not everyone can go to college, asshole. anyhow, college is a place of higher learning. you don't learn life skills like practical cooking, sewing, woodworks/metalworks. also, have you ever taught yourself something? it takes dedication. but yeah, I'm sure most high school kids would be stoked to teach themselves about commerce, finances and budgeting for no credits and on their own time.
"read a book."
any book? or did you have a specific one in mind?