Replying to CD Exchange
OK, so ATLANTASKI made a post asking for good reggae... i made fun of southerners and then told him to listen to The Slackers... and then trevorwoulddoit was like hey i have a cd of theirs i dont like, want it? so now its mine.
That was pretty cool, and i figure we all have CDs we dont like anymroe that another NSer would gladly listen to... so here it is, the official NS CD Exchange. List CDs you have that you dont want, maybe something will come up you really like. So be a little generous, it will be cool.
...Then again some music is just fucking awful and no one in their right mind would listen to it, and maybe someone actually has some of this music and theyre too embarrassed to tell anyone they have it....
with that...:
creed - human clay
3 doors down - the better life
please someone rid me of this filth.
You know the Nazis had pieces of flair that they made the Jews wear.
once back when i was a fetus i was aborted. it didn't hurt at all, but i was also high on life at the time. - thisangelicrage
its not rape....its surprise sex. you wake up and SURPRISE you had sex with me haha - huckster989
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