- Would rather not ship the skis, so I will sell to someone local for cheaper than someone not.
-Prices do not include shipping.
-I will take trades for xl+ Jackets, L+ Pants, Jiberish, etc. Give me an offer
First up:
178 Rossignol Scratch Brigade BCs - $200 OBO
Great condition. Used for one season.
Never hit a rail. Minor topsheet chipping. A few small scratches on the base, nothing big.

Lethal Descent Jacket XL - $75 OBO
Zipper length 33"
Used for a season. Good condition. Just normal wear.
Love this jacket just a bit small for me.

Special Blend Jacket L - $110 OBO
Zipper length 32"
20,000mm Waterproof
Used no more than 20 times
Almost perfect condition.

Burton Ronin Jacket L - $40 OBO
Zipper length 32"
Small stain on sleeve.
Descent condition. Nothing wrong with it.

Salomon Supernatural Pants xl - $50 OBO
The cuffs are pretty beat. I sewd on a few patches to fix them up a bit.
Other than the cuffs they are in good condition.
Super dope pants.

Special Blend Pants L - $80 OBO
15,000 mm waterproof
Pretty much perfect condition. Worn as much as the SB jacket.

Oakley A frames - $50 OBO
Tiny scratches on lens not noticeable.
Small fraying on the strap

Smith Heiress Black Ignitor Womens Goggles - $70 OBO
Brand new. Msrp $155

Bolle Quaser Goggles - $40 OBO
Used once. Great condition.

EC fitted 7 5/8 - $10
Tried on. Never worn out of the house.
Dope hat, didnt fit my head.

Ec Toques - $8 each $15 for both
Both tried on never worn outside.