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Who's going to A Basin tomorrow 5/20?
Posts: 1840
Karma: 29
If you are, then stop by us at the first spot at the beach for burgers and hot dogs!
I am having a graduation day party tomorrow at the beach, and because of the weather, it seems like a lot of non-skiing family/friends will not be showing up! So if you decide to come up to A Bay tomorrow, feel free to stop by and pickup some food while we still have it. Just figured I let you guys in on this!
Look for the first spot with the Sag Straps banner (and if you want, pick up a pair) haha!
Posts: 10595
Karma: 11,320
wish I could be there man. i'll be in texas.. lol
Posts: 740
Karma: 45
damn I walked right past you guys and didn't stop... damn. thanks for the effort.
Posts: 2536
Karma: 751
Damn rally wish I woulda saw this earlier
Posts: 3231
Karma: 3,477
totally would have but i gota go to my brothers graduation
Posts: 3231
Karma: 3,477
totally would have but i gota go to my brothers graduation
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