First of all, the reason 'sightings' are increasing is because more people have phones with recording capabilities. Honestly, there's still plenty of natural happenings in and around earth that are difficult to explain, and even harder to accurately capture via elementary devices.
Second, the call has been verified as fake as the caller followed up and called back into the show. However, both he and the host acknowledged (may be fake again) that the manner in which the call was disconnected was extremely odd and not the result of either party.
C, I have a hard time imagining that aliens could travel all the way to Earth and decide to only partially show themselves. If they have the technology to travel here they'll certainly have the technology to either observe from far, cloak themselves, or enter/exit without detection.
Still think we'll reach alien life (non intelligent) prior to mass, publicly accepted contact via Earth. The odds of alien life nearly guarantee its out there, however the odds of it being alive, intelligent and capable of reaching us are dramatically smaller.