Considering theyre pretty much the same camera all around you gotta consider what you value most.
If 35 degrees wider makes a huge difference get the gopro.
If you want easy of use its not even an argument...contour is far easier to manipulate in every feature.
If you want more versatility with the lens then go contour. You can rotate the lens and there are laser pointers to help you align it.
If you want the chest mount go gopro..cant do it with the contour, but as far as any other mount goes it does the same thing as the gopro(helmet, ski, pole)
If your looking to save money go with the contour-$50 cheaper retail. Dont know how people are saying gopro is cheaper...look at the websites
Contour+ is coming out soon and it will blow the gopro away with everything except the chest mount.
After riding with my friend who uses a gopro and riding with my contour I can see no reason to get the gopro. On top of paying $50 more,the amount of times he had to stop to see if it was on, recording, or if it was on the right setting was ridiculous. For me, ease of use and price were the main factors considering what I was giving up was quite minimal. However, I do think Ill go with the contour + for next year.