haha to address some questions...
hes 15, if he keeps improving he might have an outside shot at a world title a few years down the road. his best yoyos cost i believe between $100 and $150, but hes sponsored by Caribou Lodge Yoyo Works so all of his come free. He also has a signature yoyo released that sold out in a day or something crazy. his sponsor also pays for a large amount of his travel expenses, the prize money for this competition was $1000, and larger ones pay more. i dont exactly know how its judged, but its something like the amount of times the yoyo hits the string in a different way + style points + entertainment factor.
he always complains about the kids who beat him, saying "they just copy the world champions tricks and do lame ones that score alotta points, instead of inventing their own tricks" like he does. its the same ol debate that goes on in skiing, skill vs. style.