Alright, This winter i want to try to get my local hill to support a freeride/snowboard team. I heard that threre race program and ski patrol are totally run by different people than the hill. I just wanted to ask anyone who has help create a freeride team what I should do to start one? I was thinking that they could just put something to advertise it in the lodge and like to become a member you pay like 25 bucks which goes to the hill. And you get a shirt or a doo-rag that saids 'the mtn's name'-freeride team. My hill hold slopestlye and halfpipe compitions every weekend so the team would pretty much compete there. Has anyone had experience helping somebody do this? If i could get sometips on how to make it a reality it would really help.
'i hope his mom doesn't ground him so we can be gangbangers''
.tanner deffinatly doesn do drugs.. he is straight edge.