This ski is fast and fun— it's stiff and turns quickly, is very responsive and damp, and it's an excellent all-around ski. It isn't the lightest I've ever used, but it isn't terrible, either.
Lets talk damage.
topsheets: 8/10 — It's cap construction, so instead of topsheet damage, we'll talk about scratches on the cap. There is some damage, but it is strictly cosmetic— nothing that affects the longevity or performance of the ski.
Bases: 7/10 — There have been a few nice scratches and one or two core shots in these skis, but they have been fixed in a ski shop every time. Most of what you see in the photos are light reflecting differently off the original base material and the new P-tex. Because of the repairs, bases are mostly flat at present, and therefore I give them 7/10. The bases have never been ground, so you can always do that, too, if you are so inclined.
Edges: 8/10, with room to spare. They are in decent condition and anyone with the appropriate file could bring them up to pretty damn perfect. Currently they're at 7/10, but because they're so easy to sharpen and have plenty of room to spare, I'm giving them 8.
BINDINGS: The bindings on the skis are the track binding which comes with the ski. They are adjustable from a 260mm BSL to a 380mm BSL— LOTS of room for movement. They go to DIN 12. Any damage is cosmetic and not very noticeable.
Pictures, yay!

There are more closely detailed photographs of the entire topsheets and bases in my pictures, here:
I acknowledge that these skis are several seasons old, but there is nothing wrong with them and they have not been used very many times as far as skis are concerned.
I would like $300 because the skis did cost a lot originally and they are still in good condition. That price is flexible, though, and they'll go to the highest bidder unless nobody bids or they're all lowballs.
PM me with questions about the skis, comments about the skis, offers, or questions and comments about my garage (if you are so inclined). I will try to be prompt, clear, and concise in my exchange with you, and will expect (and provide) full contact info once I know you're serious.