ok so all of the jiberish i am only looking to trade the saga and oakley jackets i might be willing to sell and i also only want to trade the goggles
I Have:
pier 32 cream 3xl 9/10
jungle cat 2xl 8/10
10/11 level one collab red 3xl 9/10
fittest 2xl 9/10
J-flight zip crew 2xl 10/10
09/10 level one collab 8/10
blue ignant 3xl 8/10
black and purple ignant 3xl 9/10
shred the 8-bit gnar xl 10/10
oh what grey xl 10/10
red swipes xxl 10/10
level one camo shirt 3xl 6/10
saga varcity xl 8/10
saga tux xl 7/10 the sinch is broken
black oakley jacket xl 10/10
electric eg.5 8/10 two lenses
electric eg.2 10/10
tanner hall crowbars permisson lens 8/10
black crowbars yellow hi intensity 8/10
brownish gold crowbars no lense 5/10
pictures in my profile +k for someone who puts them up
+k for bumps -k for hate