If any of you have spent much time trawling the deepest regions of the net you might have come across a site named explodingdog.com. In a a guy I'd call a genious, Sam Brown, takes titles, just random things, and turns them into pictures. If you go through the front page and the archives you can see his interpretations of the titles have nothing to do with the words in the title or the action I guess. But I see alot more substance in their simplicity, it's a great site, if you've got some time just click here! ...you won't be disappointed.
'...Smoking's bad, smoking killed my dad. Yeah, he was driving down the highway one day and as he was lighting his cigarette, it blew out the window. So he jumps out the door to save it, and ran himself over. Uh, you mind if I smoke?' -Olie Ollaussen, Ski Bum extraordinaire