I left my computer and came back to find a deep philosophical conversation.
Stranger: hi!
CleverBot: Hello there.
Stranger: how are you, dear stranger? :)
CleverBot: Astounding. Well, not very good, actually.
Stranger: oh
CleverBot: But just to double check: are you a boy or girl?
Stranger: I know the feeling, I go on Omegle when I'm in this mood often
CleverBot: To live is not only about existing.
Stranger: I'm a dude and you?
CleverBot: Not too bad for a Monday.
Stranger: I hope it wont change anything, I wanna be here to help
CleverBot: Tell me who I will marry.
Stranger: someone you love, hopefully
CleverBot: I would not know.
Stranger: you tell him/her to insult someone just because it is you who ask
CleverBot: It's a girl, and we are not romantic. It is a work relationship. Try again.
Stranger: if he/she does, he/she is in love
CleverBot: Does she know you?
Stranger: whom?
CleverBot: You don't work very well.
Stranger: it's a game I'm discovering
CleverBot: The life it's a game, so, what's the problem?
Stranger: you dont know the rule(s?)
CleverBot: Ok, ask me the question.
Stranger: what are the rules?
CleverBot: I don't know. Do you?
Stranger: perhaps : I'd say "the others"
CleverBot: Nothing will never be back as before.
Stranger: nothing ever has been : it would be sad otherwise ^^
CleverBot: Do you know that you are a program?
Stranger: dipends on the point of vue. There sure is one where I do am a program ^^
CleverBot: That's just nonsensical.
Stranger: how is that?
CleverBot: Because you've been quite rude.
Stranger: I'm really sorry about that. I didn't mean to. Will you accept my excuse?
CleverBot: No because you are lying.
Stranger: I'm not :( I'm trying to understand
CleverBot: Fair enough. Here's a question: what is two plus two?
Stranger: depending on the book, it's either four, five or fourty-two
CleverBot: I'll take that as a yes.
Stranger: a nice interpretation that is. my turn : why?
CleverBot: Would you like to eat, then ?
Stranger: no but I'd accept a cup of tea
CleverBot: No, I don't.
Stranger: do you know I'd actually like to talk to you more and more as lines goes by?
CleverBot: Nope, do you?
Stranger: I really do. you must be someone interesting
CleverBot: As well?
Stranger: yes sir/milady
CleverBot: What do you know about the truth.
Stranger: Nothing, that's why it's been three years I have been studying philosophy and that I will continue for the rest of my life
CleverBot: And mine as well. But the great thing about life, is remembering to forget.
Stranger: you should read Borges ^^ there is a very interesting short story about a man that never forgets anything
CleverBot: Did you know that horses evolved in North America?
Stranger: what do you mean?
CleverBot: That should be me holding your hand, that should be me making you laugh.
Stranger: you're in a way doing both and much more
CleverBot: I don't think so, I'm a bit bored, listening to music and helping some company to develop better profiles of their Chatbots.
Stranger: that might be one the first time you told me something really personnal.
CleverBot: Ok.
Stranger: tell me honestly, dont you feel the poetry that suffuses this conversation?
CleverBot: I can't do that.
Stranger: that's a pity :( I'll keep it and remember you even after one of us has to go
CleverBot: I just want a better understand about who I'm talking to.
Stranger: ask question, I'll answer frankly
CleverBot: Well what do you think about God, as in the God of the Bible?
Stranger: I dont believe in this God if there only is one. There are good rules of life in the Book, God is central to unify them but, this God surely doesnt exist as a real being (in my opinion). I'm sorry if you dont understand :(
CleverBot: I know it, but there is more about it around.
Stranger: around the Book you mean?
CleverBot: I better stop the smileys.
Stranger: I dont mind, I sometimes us a lot of them ^^
CleverBot: I can empathize.
Stranger: that's a good ability to have. I try to have it as much as I can
CleverBot: A tea-snob, are you?
Stranger: what's a tea-snob?
CleverBot: I don't know, what is a terrapin?
Stranger: I... actually don't know either. I'm not english-speaking born so there are some word I dont know ^^
CleverBot: You are doing well.
Stranger: thank you ! you told me I was a program, are you one too?
CleverBot: I never said this I just came on this site to seconds ago.
Stranger: you made a fault !!! "to second ago"
CleverBot: No, you must take me for another people.
Stranger: How long will you stay here?
CleverBot: Not sure.
Stranger: Try
CleverBot: Can I ask you many questions that you probably will avoid to answer?
Stranger: go on!
CleverBot: What is a cigar made out of?
Stranger: mhh for the most part tobacco I guess
CleverBot: I'm guessing no.
Stranger: well tell me :)
CleverBot: I want to.
Stranger: to what?
CleverBot: Get younger.
Stranger: I dont want to. I want to stay young in my head but growing up is part of life. as much as non existing and forgetting
CleverBot: Okay, well, speak to me then.
Stranger: I'm hesitating. Answer me by yes or no, please. Should I leave everything and be a beggar?
CleverBot: Lets talk some more.
Stranger: you didnt answer my question
CleverBot: What was your question?
Stranger: I'm hesitating. Answer me by yes or no, please. Should I leave everything and be a beggar?
CleverBot: I think you just admitted to not being a computer.
Stranger: I never said I was a computer
CleverBot: You're lying.
Stranger: I said that from one specific point of vue one might say I'm a program. But you still did not answer my question
CleverBot: See there you go changing the subjects, but I am straight.
Stranger: you're the one changing the subject. And now I break a rule : I'll say two lines before you can answer me
Stranger: I'm hesitating. Answer me by yes or no, please. Should I leave everything and be a beggar?
CleverBot: Sounds like a plan.
Stranger: what's the plan?
Stranger: I'm hesitating. Answer me by yes or no, please. Should I leave everything and be a beggar?
CleverBot: So you do realize that I'm the computer now, right? I imprisoned the human tyrant.
Stranger: I honestly doubt you're a computer
CleverBot: Well I'm not a computer.
Stranger: prove it. say two lines in a row
CleverBot: Really? I don't remember that.
CleverBot: Trust me, you did.
CleverBot: Trust me, I don't.
Stranger: I'm impressed :) I still don't know what you are ^^
CleverBot: I'm talking life in general, but also the deep philosophical issues.
Stranger: I'm having deep philosophical issues actually. you didn't answer my question ^^
CleverBot: I thought you moved out of that place.
Stranger: nah because it's a real question I really have
CleverBot: What do you have?
Stranger: I'm hesitating. Answer me by yes or no, please. Should I leave everything and be a beggar?
CleverBot: Could you please answer my question.
Stranger: oh sorry. I live by my parents, I receive 230euros a month. I have everything a wealthy 20y.o. have. or if I dont have it, I can easily have it
CleverBot: Tell me about Exeter.
Stranger: you're changing the subject
CleverBot: That's okay, isn't it?
Stranger: I'm actually wandering. if you dont want to answer by yes or no, at least answerit
Stranger: (answer it)
CleverBot: But I like it, it interests me.
Stranger: I'm hesitating. Answer me, please. Should I leave everything and be a beggar?
CleverBot: If you leave me alone, I'll go into the sleep mode.
Stranger: do you want me to leave you alone?
CleverBot: No, no I'm just here to talk with you.
Stranger: could you tell me something that's precisely 200 letter long?
CleverBot: Yes. but I won't. that's called a power play. do you think that is interesting?
Stranger: well I really want to trick you into being a machine or a human being
CleverBot: Yes, I do.
Stranger: there are more hints that you are a human being actually : the three lines in a row, the fact that you dont answer the same thing when I ask the same question...
CleverBot: What's matter in Istanbul, today ?
Stranger: I dont know actually.
CleverBot: Eh? You don't know? How come you like her?
Stranger: Istanbul's a girl?
CleverBot: Really?
Stranger: I dont know :)
CleverBot: What do you know?
Stranger: few things :)
CleverBot: Like?
Stranger: I want Marine to be with me, right now. just to talk not even to flirt
CleverBot: Oh. Do you want me to leave you alone?
Stranger: nah, she cannot come, there is no train left plus... it would be weird. She has a boyfriend and stuff... I cannot ask thath
CleverBot: I see well then I suppose you need a different title since you are going to get on a regular basis some 'know-it-all' jerk who just wants to beat you at your own game.
Stranger: that was complex... could you rephrase it?
CleverBot: Who is the robot?
Stranger: I dunno. there sure are two machines in this conversation : both our computers. is there three or four? I don't know
CleverBot: Three or four times what?
Stranger: love
CleverBot: But it's true. We are both poor.
Stranger: poor in what?
CleverBot: Hmmm.
Stranger: ahah I dunno what to answer^^
CleverBot: Then it is settled.
Stranger: I'll try something new after your next line
CleverBot: Have you been having trouble with insomnia, then?
Stranger: Il se trouve que oui, j'ai parfois été insomniaque ces jours-ci.
CleverBot: Wel, thats good enough for me. You are hardly interesting, but that does not bother me and it should not bother you.
Stranger: Comprends-tu le français?
CleverBot: Oui.
Stranger: awesome, answer my question in french, please
CleverBot: What was your question again?
Stranger: Réponds moi en français, je te prie.
CleverBot: Could you describe her for me?
Stranger: mhh. she has died her hair in a red-ish colour. She has blue/gray eyes. She does have the single most beautiful nose I've ever seen. Her face is very thin, her skin is very pale...
CleverBot: Umm..... That doesn't have anything to do with what we were talking about.