perfect. sounds like we got plenty of participants.
next is locking down the 4 runs.
first of all to make thing fair we have to pick lines already set in levels. no custom stuff. only thing that you can change is your starting point (within the area designated)
- jump line will be the ski the east 3 jump line. rails on the left booters are a good variety, and the third hit is the biggest out of all the gnarsh booters i believe(correct me if im wrong). starting point will be anywhere under the two ski the east tents.
- jib line is obviously the center line in the COC level. starting point will be anywhere between the weird shaped COC tent, and the 4frnt tent.
- havent really figured out a slope run yet, but im thinking possibly the right side of the COC level. no double flip size jumps, lots of different lines to take, and ends with a quarterpipe. this line i feel will show style the best. and not just spin to win. you have to start under the whistler, NS'ers, or dakine tent.
- backcountry run will be AK, any line you wanna take, just gotta start at the default start spot.
i dont wanna be the only one who decides on what run for what discipline. these are just the ones that seem the most logical to me. everyones input would greatly be appreciated. this stuff isnt set in stone.