I got a couple things for sale. all are in pretty good shape. I am mostly looking for trades on the skis but you can throw me some money offers! ok here we go
First: 181 ON3P Jeronimos.
Better than urban condition. Around 50 days worth of use. 2" of edge missing underfoot; promptly filled with epoxy.
What I want for these:
Video camera
other skis
maybe jiberish
Base. in pretty good condition only minor scratches.
2" of edge missing. sorry for bad pic quality.
Second: 2xl jiberish heavy mint. 8/10 condition only because of a couple stains that are not very noticeable, and it has been washed
I am mostly looking for cash on this. but ill listen to all trade offers. any trade offers need to be at least 3xl and up.

Thirdly: Electric Bsg.
dont know how much for em.
want a level 1 thermal or tall tee, again must be 3xl and up.
Thats it! thanks for looking!