That is insanely stereotypical. Think about if an American made this kind of claim about any other country in the world, and how much harder they would be judged than you will be. If I said something like "well I think that 80% of Canadians are either uneducated stoners or french snobs". I would have Americans, Canadians, and just about every demographic on here talking shit. But since YOU said it about America, even Americans will be like, yeah thats us.
If you seriously think that you can take NS as an example of what US citizens are like, you need to grow the fuck up. I would say that a significant percentage of people on NS come off as arrogant self centered pieces of shit whether they are American or otherwise, and this is for 2 reasons. 1.- our site is made up of lots of highschool students, with an incredibly small fraction of them being female. I am relatively certain that in just about any country, males aged 14-18 are pieces of shit who generally talk and act like dirtballs. That isn't an American thing, it is a teenager thing, and I would be happy to admit that I was a shithead in my adolescence (21 now).
2nd reason you can't take NS as an example for Americans: its the fucking internet, you can say whatever you want. It is not like anybody is talking to anybody face to face, you have to expect self-centered-ness and arrogance.
As far as the Americans that you have met, if you are talking about over there in NZ (creeped your profile to see what country you were talking trash in), Yeah, tourists fucking suck, especially American ones. If you have visited here and thats what you thought, I am sorry you didn't enjoy your time. I have gone to plenty of places on vacation where I have had the same exact feeling. I have also had some really good times to.
And for your last point, you are calling us the big bully who gets defensive after receiving criticism. Think about what you are saying. "80% of you guys are pieces of shit, just look how arrogant and defensive you are" That is not a bit of criticism. A little bit of criticism would be "you guys should change the way you portray yourselves on TV, it makes you look stupid" I would agree. What you did is neither a little bit, nor criticism, it is talking shit to 80 percent of a country.
This thread started as Prince Charles saying America should eat less meat, which is probably true, but he really has no business saying it. Did you really expect anything besides arrogance and self centeredness, most if which is in a really sarcastic manner to play to our stereotype as a joke.