Now i did not make up the idea that the 4th deminsion is time but i kind of evolved it. My theory is that we live in a universe where time is mearly a human creation. Everything is happening but in different sections of "Time". I belive that time itself does not exist but is mearly a tool we use so that our feeble brain usage can comprehend the universe. So if my theory is correct evey object has a Length, Height, Width and Time in which it is. Now i know your going to say if time is the 4th demension why cant we time travel just as easily as walk back and forth. If you have seen the movie line land this will make more sense when a 3d sphere told a 2d circle to rise up intot he 3rd demension the circle thought the shpere was insane and wouldnt do it so the sphere helped the circel. The same concept apllies to us as simple as the idea of stepping up to a 4th demension being time travel must be as simple as moving but to us is uncomprehensible ?shit to make you think?