I have noticed quite a few threads this season complaining about companies warranty policies (mostly on skis). I have been blown away by the expectations of a lot of NS members as to what they think they deserve or what a warranty should be. So here are a few industry standards as well as guidelines on how to ensure you get your skis replaced in the event that you do deserve a warranty!
1. DON'T SLIDE RAILS! I don't know of a single ski/snowboard brand that will warranty for rail damage.
However if you have cracked edges and your tip delam's don't mention the edge issues.... some companies will overlook rail damage to take care of an issue that is not impact related!
2. KEEP YOUR RECEIPT. If you cannot prove you paid for it and that you are the original owner then the company has no liability to replace your equipment!
SIDENOTE: if you are receiving some type of discount or Pro-Form from the company you generally do not receive any type of warranty with your purchase.
3. IMPACT RELATED DAMAGE again most companies will not warranty for impact related damage. generally that means when your ski comes in contact with anything other that snow and something is damaged.. Core shots, edge crack/dents , delams, sidewall blowouts, binding rip outs, ETC...
BUT could also apply to any type of more than "average" abuse to a ski.. (big cliffs + hard landings or over/underotating causing you to land tip/tail heavy.
4. TOPSHEET CHIPPING is not the same as a topsheet delam and is an impact related damage generally caused by your sharp metal edge coming in contact with your soft plastic topsheet.. keep your skis apart!
5. TALKING WITH THE WARRANTY DEPARTMENT if you approach someone pissed off guns blazing making demands your going to put the person on the other side of the line on defense right off the bat!
Be calm, cool, and explain the situation and ask what they can do to help you out.. Be prepared to send pictures of the damage and most likely be ready to ship your skis back for evaluation. ( you will be responsible for the shipping costs)
ALSO this process with many companies can take several weeks so be patient!
Rather you think it is fair or not these are VERY common demands that a company will make in order to replace your product!