yeah but early season 06 everyone was complaining about how all we saw was switch 10's in comps. then US open 2006 TJ landed a switch 1440. Everyone went was amazed because there was more spins. That obviously that won because the degree of difficulty was boosted.
Big air comps will always be like this. theyre going to be huck fests no matter what. Judges look at degree of difficulty because it would be hard to decide the winner souly based on style. If one competitor does a rodeo 12 octo (gangnier last night) and another competitor does a switch dub misty 12 (Bobby) its hard to decide who gets the upper hand. thats why the judges look at difficutly. Now that triples are in the Big Air scene they are going to start taking 1st place on the podium. BIG AIR HAS ALWAYS BEEN A HUCK FEST... ALWAYS WILL BE
Just because Big Air is going one direction...that doesnt mean the style of Casabon/ Henrik/ Hornbeck/ Ahmet/ LOLO or the big mountain and bc booter skillz of Pettit/Tanner/ Dutschi/Tudor will ever go. Remember everyone this is FREE skiing. We can do whatever we want however we want to do it. Thats the beauty of this sport and why we all love it.