what are you most scared of?
me: snakes
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what are you most scared of?
me: snakes
This. Have them all over my house and they creep the shit out of me.
Charlie_KellyLarge structures underwater, like ship wrecks.
TH3_ARBIT3RI've been in car crashes, nearly died surfing in some sketchy spots etc but one of the only thing that phases me is Bees.
I had one buzz in my ear the other day, I thought it was a fly so I swatted it away. Then I realize it's a bee and the fucker starts chasing me round the house, I was running for dear life.
MiIfHunterNot having access to the Dogfart Network🤠
DolanReloadedThrowing rocks at a beez nest is one of the most satisfying things ever. They are such angry little fuckers; pissing them off feels like the right thing to do.
RenoTahoeStunnaBeing poor.
slitherysnake531bro I don't really go after bees that much cuz usually they seem to leave me alone, but if I see a hornet/wasp nest you can bet your mother's butt imma wack that piece of shit down with anything I can find and then run like I just shot somebody lol
JAHpowClaustrophobia isn't really an issue for me, but watching this vid gives me the willies
**This post was edited on Dec 27th 2020 at 4:58:11pm
slitherysnake531bro I don't really go after bees that much cuz usually they seem to leave me alone, but if I see a hornet/wasp nest you can bet your mother's butt imma wack that piece of shit down with anything I can find and then run like I just shot somebody lol