everyone thinks that because they've ridden a ski for two seasons it's "durable as fuck". Heads up kids, if you're ballparking 150lbs or less, you really don't have much to contribute to a durable ski thread. To the op, i've ridden most major ski brands over the years, and I bash the shit out of my skis. What i've found from experience is that head is the best durable ski brand, they don't get hype around here but i had a pair of mojos for 3 seasons, rode rails 3+ days a week, and they still have all the edge in them. And i've heard countless other stories like this.
Also, stay away from stuff like 4frnt and salomon, and just to note, every other boutiqe brand is pretty much the same in durability no matter what anyone says, their production runs are so small it's allways hit or miss.
Good luck