your wish is my command.
i place my index finger over ShitSlam3's lips to calm him down. i slowly pull my finger away in a suggestive manner. he is in a daze. for some reason, all this is taking place in a childrens playground, underneigh a set of monkey bars. little children surround us, cheering. i go in for the make out, tounge wiggling. ShitSlam3 doesnt deny access. i tickle around his lips with my tounge. he slowly closes his eyes. before i know it, i uppercut him, knocking him out sencless, i unbutton his shirt as he lay on his back. i grab a hold of the monkey bars, im already naked, and begin the process. feces pours out of my anus with no fear. gobs of the lushious brown drop onto ShitSlam3's unconsious chest, spatting all over his scured nipples. poop splashes everywhere, onto the childrens cheering faces, all over the wood chips, and mostly on ShitSlam3's heaving chest. i give one last sqeeze and pour out a little diarrhea, witch splatters on ShitSlam3's chin. i drop from the monkey bar's, landing squated on ShitSlam3's chest, feeding him my shit covered testicles. his faces is burried in scat and nuts, but i can tell he's smiling.