Wow... I must be living in a REALLY sheltered community, because where I live (a university town in a staunchly Republican state--quite a diversity of opinion here) people respect each other's opinions. We have a major street corner around here and every Saturday morning for about a year and a half now, there has been a group that's gone out to stand and hold signs protesting the war. And there's a pro-war group that gathers on the other side of the street. Sometimes insults are flung, yes, but everyone understands that the other side values their opinions just as much as we do.
THAT is what this country is supposed to be about, and I'm a little disappointed that it doesn't seem to be happening everywhere.
See my website, Common Sense:
I'm an atheist/moralist.
My parents were hippies. Both my grandfathers were Mennonite conscientious objectors in WWII. It's complicated.