I thought I might share a couple of my better/more interesting panoramic shots I've done over the years. Feel free to comment or give me any tips you might have, or share some you've done.
They were done before I knew much about photography (I still don't know much). The only setting I had on manual for these was focus. I know, big mistake not using the full manual mode, I've learnt my lesson. It really shows when the camera is pointed away vs. towards the sun. I also need to work on filling in the corners it seems.
First up, about a third of Vancouver seen as seen from the 20+ story of some building downtown. Composed of 4 individual shots, shown at 25% full resolution (when you click on it).
Second, a view of the inside of the Colesseum in Rome. Composed of 12 individual shots, shown at 25% full resolution (when you click on it).
Third, looking down over the Roman Forums. Composed of 16 individual shots, shown at 25% full resolution (when you click on it).
Lastly, a skyline view of Rome seen from the top of Castle St. Angelo. Composed of 12 individual shots, shown at 33% full resolution (when you click on it).
Hope you like them.