A friend of mine is in an online contest for a fishing thing he was asking me to help him out so I figured NSG could help.
The contest is with Gambler Lures, some fishing company. They have an online tournament to create a new color bait for fishing. If they win they get money and tons of fishing shit.
1st- go to www.facebook.com/Gamblerlures and click on the "like" button.
2nd- go to http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150111812967181&set=a.10150111250612181.281773.112338107180&theater
Once you are at this page you can vote for us 2 times by hitting the "like" button for our bait and commenting on our page.
If you comment and like it they get 2 votes instead of 1.
Thanks everyone