So, I'm 100% doing one of these this year but whcih one, I only found out about MHSSC from a thred on here a couple of days ago. Up untill then i was planning on doing windels session 6 or 7.
From some of reviews, MHSSC is a place to "actually" learn productivly compared to maybe having a little more fun and having pro's throw sick shit. Honestly couldnt care who throws anything while i'm there, pro wise because which ever one i pick, ther'll be no doudt a 12 year old kid doin 1080's and shit. Compared to my ability right now, thats sick enough.
Also, MHSSS is about $1k less, not like thats a factor but is the extra worth it? Will the learning curve be better at WIndels because of the air bag they have?
Any comments on people's views on either camp would be appreciated. Gonna be booking one of em in the coming weeks.