In a few weeks I might be looking to bum around Sunday River for 3 or 4 days, and I was planning on sleeping in my car assuming the weather allows for it. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this, and if so do you know If I was to just park in one of Sunday River's parking lots, would I get hassled/have to move? The odds that they will be getting any amount of snow that could possibly require plowing seem pretty slim, so I can't imagine that would be an issue, but I could also see them not wanting somebody to do it for one reason or another.
If that doesn't work, anybody know of a good, reasonably safe place to do it? I also know there is a ski hostel at the mountain, but since I'm only going to do it if the weather is warm enough to allow me to sleep in the car, I don't want to spend the money.
I was planning on possibly doing it the weekend after next, their scheduled closing weekend. After that, I was thinking about doing the same thing for several weekends at Sugarloaf until they close, and I have the same questions for that area as well.