how big are you? height n weight
what do you plan to do on them?
only ski pow? deep pow or variablesnow; pow, crud, heavy, icy, etc...
how do you ski?
do you ski fast, send big cliffs and ride gnarly lines?
or are you more of a guy who skis slower, likes to butter a bit, ride trees, fool around, etc...
i myself ride an EP pro and i love it, even on groomers and in the park, but for real freeriding, dropping cliffs, charging, etc...
i would actually like a ski thats a bit stiffer.... maybe the CRJ .....
and if i had to choose one ski to do it all, i'd go for the SFB, a fat noodle, but not too fat, still awesome on groomers and good in pow .....
are you limited in your choice by the skis you mentioned?
or are those just skis you thought of ?