Canada has it's own election thread, so why not?
If only slightly interested, summary at the bottom.
If not interested at all, a surprise waits at the bottom as well.
In the upcoming elections, the political scene is brewing in Finland. At the moment there are three major issues, which will affect the outcome:
1. Immigration Policy
Possibly the biggest factor at the moment. The always a bit introverted and shoulder-shrugging Finn is starting to become more and more hateful towards immigrating minorities, while the open-armed welcomer Finn is ready to raise immigrants' rights and benefits almost immediately to the level of a citizen.
2. Nuclear Power
What lucky timing from the ever-so-friendly tsunami greeting our unfortunate phonetic cousins in Nippon, as the importance of nuclear power decisions as a political key issue was beginning to fade away. Now the Green Party is pushing similar hazard risk tests to modern plants and lobbying for the dismissal of all future nuclear plants - and people are buying it.
3. Bailouts for other EU countries
Another hot, hot potato. Greece went down, Ireland followed swiftly behind and Spain along with Portugal are hanging on a quickly-thinning thread above a massive chasm. Being a EU country, Finland along with other member states is obliged by EU Law to bail other countries out with billions and billions of euros. As this new sect of the Law was added a few years back (behind citizens backs, basically) and is unconstitutional in many member states, it is causing a terrible uproar here. Why should we aid them if they fucked up, they say. Well, what will we do if we fuck ourselves, others shout. It's a very delicate matter and going against it would also cause imbalance in International relations.
The Parties
The leading parties at the moment are
Keskusta (
former Agricultural Party)
Kokoomus (
Bourgeois/rich people Party)
Social-Democratic Party)
By the way it is looking out at the moment, today, when the pre-voting begun, forums and message boards are filled with people who voted for one of the underdogs,
Perussuomalaiset (
True Finns' Party)
Led by this man, Timo Soini, who is looking out to become a very charismatic person for the average Finn. The True Finn Party is all about favoring Finnish citizens and cutting the rights of immigrants and refugees. While I do agree that the policy needs a long overdue reform (Commit a crime big enough to land you in jail for years and you are rightfully judged? Off you go to your country of origin and banned for the time supposed to be served), True Finns are overall racist and full-on populist. People don't see that behind this immigrant agenda there's basically
nothing to hold firm if they actually win the elections or score large amounts of seats.
In a sense, I'm still on pondering who to vote for. Last time my party didn't really pull through and they seem to be bickering over trivial facts like gun laws and completely ignoring the billions we have in national debt with no possible cures. Every voter's test I've done has given me True Finns as top choices, so I don't know what the fuck to do.
I hope some of you find this interesting enough, hell, 10% of NS traffic comes from Norther Europe so wise up and join the discussion no matter where you're from.
Read above paragraphs.
To uninterested people: