Because NS hates reading i will make this short.
Went to S. Africa with school.
Drank copious amounts of alcohol.
School found out. They knew every detail about everything.
9 kids suspended.
The administration said that no one is being expelled.
But they needed the weekend to thing this over.
My fears:
No Prom
Not walking at Graduation
Not Graduating
Having to attend AA(my school has done it before.)
I have two options:
1. Take punishment
2. Go infront of the Student advisory board-like a jury.
Any of ya'll been through this shit. Is so help me.
Trolls will NOT be given -k. thats bull shit.
BTW is the alias to Haile_Selassie$ (the "$" should be green, not gray or yellow". newschoolers advertises enough to not need my precious casheesh)
thank you for your time.