A few years ago when I was in grade 8 I was diagnosed with alopecia arrays, which is an auto immune deficiency where your white blood cells attack your hair cells causing it to fall out in patches. It also has mental side effects including depression neurosis and anxiety, all of which I've been diagnosed with.
Anyways, I've felt with tons of bullying from it, kids calling me a freak for having patchy hair and "shedding" (that word makes me shudder) and it did not help with the depression.
The way te doctors wanted to treat it at first was cortisone injections to essentially kill of my white blood cells. Let me tell you this, if someone ever comes at you with a syringe saying they want to kill some thing in your body, run far far away. Because it hurts. Alot. When I eventually said fuck that it's bull, I turned to Chinese medicine ( acupuncture and herbs) that actually seemed to help quite a bit, despite having to drink a tea with beetles and all sorts of gnar in it.
After my first case I had 5 months of beiing normal it relapsed. This time I lost half of both of my eyebrows, all of my lashes and all my arm and leg hair (just started growing back after 3 years)
That case lasted 6 months.
Anyways, it had been a year and a half and I thought it was all good, now I'm on vacation in Hawaii and I have 3 patches on the back of my head forming and I'm losing hair quickly.
Ode to fucking joy.