Tuesday March 29th-I live near the highschool in our town and that night around 11:30 there was what sounded like trees breaking and stuff. Not like twigs snapping,the only thing I could liken it to is if a telephone pole snapped. It was incredibly loud.
Wednesday March 30th-Nothing really happened, I saw some army jeeps on a backroad when I was going to a friend's house, just thought it was some rednecks fucking around. That was in the morning, by the afternoon when I was leaving school there were APC's and stuff rolling in. Shit was wild, but the guys were cool so I didn't mind. We took some pictures with them.
Thursday March 31st-They were all set up in the school parking lot, lots of tents and stuff from the night before. That night around midnight there was a lot of loud popping and yelling and the power went out for like 5 minutes and it was quiet after that, so I went to bed.
Friday April 1st-This morning while I was getting ready for school I was reading the local online paper. Saw a story titled "Why are they here?" and some pictures of the tanks and stuff. School called literally 5 minutes before I left this morning and said that we had the day off, didn't give an explanation just got the automated message saying the school was closed for the day. I didn't mind, it was my Mom's birthday so I just stayed home and played Halo. I went on at like 3:30 this afternoon to see if they had any new stories, and nope. Totally gone, the story isn't there. No mention of the tanks or military or anything. Shit's weird.
Saturday April 2nd-My friend and I went out behind the highschool and took pictures of some of the area. There’s trees down everywhere and they weren’t like that last time I checked. It’s definitely pretty fishy, the military is completely gone. Coach said they left last night around midnight, which coincides with me seeing trucks drive by around the same time.
Note:the pictures are from 3 different views,1 is in a clearing facing towards all the downed trees, 2 is turned around facing across the clearing up to trees further away, 3 is on the opposite side of the hill you see in the second view. View 3 is from behind the highschool on the opposite side of the hill from the clearing. You’ll be able to tell pretty easily.
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These ones below are from behind the highschool, we just walked up and took them. Over that ridge is the clearing with all the downed trees. Which you can see in the prior pictures.
![Click for larger image](https://thumbs.newschoolers.com/index.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Fa5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net%2Fhphotos-ak-snc6%2F208219_10150493959440082_755005081_17976299_7181625_n.jpg&size=400x1000)
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