It's fucking retarded.
I realize the Maloofs are pretty tired of the arena building situation in Sacramento, where the city has refused through legislation and public vote to offer the mass sums of public fundage to build the arena. Hell, Sac even voted in an ex-NBA star as it's mayor running on the platform to keep the Kings here... The whole Arena proposal has been an important one for a long time, and one of the biggest issues in Sacramento.
The problem is, the way the Maloofs were handling it was all bad. They refused to back down from their idea that the public should finance the shit out of it, and after the real-estate heavy economy imploded in 2007, they seem to have wanted to ditch Sacramento all-together.
The Maloofs wont sell the team, their dad sold the Rockets in 82, immediately regretted it, and it took them until 1997 to buy a new one... The management has been just fine... they made the playoffs for like 10 years straight and were the best team in basketball in 2002... only having been robbed a championship by the Lakers and David Stern's cronies...
They have some of the longest sellout streaks in all of basketball, and the fans have supported the fucking hell out of the team through bad draft picks, tragedies, coaching merry go rounds, and several ownership changes.
To just pack up, leave for a rival region (seriously, i'd feel so much better if they were leaving for Seattle... even though I'd still be furious), where there will be no fans awaiting them, as they already have allegiances to the Lakers and Clippers, and just spit in the faces of the psychotically passionate fans that have supported this franchise through some of the most sucky years any franchise has had to go through?
It's fucking bullshit... and on top of all of it, this team is going to be a playoff contender for years to come within 2-3 years. The team is young, has a bunch of stars, and tons of Salary cap space... Give Sacramento a new arena, and holy shit...
Oklahoma City vs. Anaheim Royals games are going to be playoff events in a few years... and it will leave fans in Sacramento and Seattle wanting to throw sharp objects in the direction of David Stern for years to come...