This thread makes me sad = (
Along with all the others posted recently, I'm having all I can do not to bash my head repeatedly against a wall. WAKETHEFUCKUP honestly, all our current institutions are failing. Several of them (Federal Reserve, Iraq) were failures by their very designs... the power elite have a dwindling grasp on the people because so many are starting to question just what it is we're doing to each other, and why. We're approaching a transition in human interaction, just like we have hundreds of times over thousands of years, and the people in power NOW don't like it. I don't mean the president, or the senate... they're placeholders and have been for some time. I'm talking about the shadow government that is actually responsible for all the senselessness in the way things are today, the banking cartels who have shammed the American people out of ohhh I dunno like $14 trillion?? The national debt is owed to the people, we've footed the bill as our "benevolent" government has engaged in conflict after conflict without ever stopping to question WHY.
Osama was not killed last week, what a fucking joke... he could have been dead at any point in the last 10 years or he could still be alive who knows. This was a false flag event that was designed years ago, a political trump card that the man could use at any point to distract the public... is it working? Are we distracted? Is every single fucking news station, every single internet forum, thousands of new memes and youtube videos... all arguing about Osama and the US... is that distracting you from anything?
This month, most likely 5/11, will see a catastrophe designed to grab hold of as much power as possible by convincing the people to give up more of their basic rights than we already have (the war on terror? how many liberties have we tossed to the wind because of the boogeyman terrorists? we've killed more people in the name of preventing "terrorism" than the terrorists ever killed in the first place... ^^immortal technique was right, FYI). It's getting a little wet down south right now, and my suggestion is that it's about to get a hell of a lot wetter... things might get a little "shaky" if you know what I mean. I would HIGHLY recommend a vacation for our southern NSers and their families within the next few days (before weds, IMO)... pack a few bags and hit the road. I hope like hell I'm not right... but IF I am, you WILL thank me for taking this advice.
Call me crazy, call me whatever you'd like (terrorist, fear-mongerer, brainwashed (HA) etc... heard them all), just know that there is a plethora of evidence mounting to suggest that TPTB are making their move... and I hope like hell that I'm wrong trust me, but IF I'm not then you want nothing to do with the southern area of the US near the Mississippi on 5/11.