You're absolutely right. JANKY is so lame! I mean, the absolute worst! Who could see the point in having an incredibly close group of friends sharing a passion for skiing as often, and diversely, as them? Up theirs for trying to be productive amongst the outdoors! I would really like to congratulate You for being an amazing adult contributing to the overall benefit of society by setting impeccable standards for the youth of Newschoolers! JANKY threads are definitely the best medium to learn how to be as mature as yourself. Hands down the best place for a Master of wisdom, such as Yourself, to teach necessary life lessons including, but not limited to: holding your tongue in public; acting like you're above the age of sixteen; treating your girlfriend well enough to have her enjoy your company enough to not yearn for beneficial attention.
You're so awesome...a true visionary and role model. You are so accomplished. I know taking all of Your advice straight to heart will bring me leaps closer to becoming as respected as Yourself! You hit pyramid in High School apparently...not to mention you're still the best skier on the mountain! You were so commendable screaming at JANKY to get out of the way so your friend could hit B frame, as he got there while they were finishing a lip. Then You let him have all the fresh snow and didn't hit anything for yourself. Who said, "there are so such things as friends on powder days?" All in all, you are just the epitome of 'cool!'
That's probably why Your "whore ass girlfriend" was hooking up with Justin, huh...
I strive to be as awesome as You!
Thanks for all of Your kind remarks on this forum. I want You to know, they have not been a waste of time! You are so incredible at picking your battles. Please do not stop. I have learned so much about life via Your commentary.
'One step closer to becoming a Master of Worldly Wisdom and Knowledge like You!'