so my old skiis i had a pair of salomon 850 bindings on (which i bought at a garage sale for 20 bucks) the DIN went up to 10 but i never put them past 8. I never had any problem with them coming off.. in fact.. the only time i remember them coming off is when i under rotated some front flips. My new skiis, however have salomon STH 12 bindings on them and.. i started DIN out at 8.. they fell off for no reason. I cranked DIN to 9.. still fell off. 10: falling off but not as frequently.. im putting them up to 11 or 12 this weekend hopefully that will do the trick. But why is there such a big difference between my new and old bindings? My new skiis are also 10 cm longer which makes a slightly longer lever arm the crank on the bindings but still... anyone else have DIN problems? i am also skeptic that it is because i have Salomon bindings..