>White police confront black man
>it must be racism, seeing as there are zero other possibilities for the white police man talking to a black man, he is clearly a racist.
Besides he didn't even get a ticket. Regardless of race or other people doing it, he was technically breaking the law. I know it seems minuscule and stupid, but he was still breaking the law. I was walking on the train tracks with a few friends out shooting pictures when police were called on us and I was given a ticket. Not everyone, just me. For no fucking reason, they singled me out. I'm white, the cops were white. It's not racism when a police upholds the law, he can do what he wants. He could have easily written that guy a ticket but he clearly didn't. I didn't bitch and whine about it, I was breaking the law (and I didn't even know it was a a federal crime to be on train tracks), and that was that.
And those kids whining about police brutality? What the fuck? they didn't even do anything except check the kid's record, and then tell him to stop jaywalking. Was it absolutely necessary? No. But still, it was against the law and they were well within their powers to do what they did. /rant