'god never said in any holy book that blacks werent alowed to marry
...And the Bible sure is in touch with modern society, isn't it? The same section of the Bible that has been interpreted to mean that homosexuality is wrong also says that it is against the Christian faith to eat shellfish. And of course, there's God's decree that working on the sabbath is punishible by death.
Where is the push to criminalize work on the sabbath and enfore the death penalty for such an infraction?
What I'm trying to say is not that we must ignore the Bible; the bible has some pretty good stuff in it. What I'm saying is that this was written by a bunch of people back 1,000 years ago, for a society that existed 1,000 years ago. Things have changed since then and the interpretations of religious texts must necessarily change to fit the dynamic nature of society.
In other words: How the hell can you justify taking one passage of the Bible literally and strictly and completely ignore others, seemingly on a whim? It just doesn't make sense!
See my website, Common Sense:
I'm an atheist/moralist.
My parents were hippies. Both my grandfathers were Mennonite conscientious objectors in WWII. It's complicated.