WARNING< RANT INCOMING<< Im 72 hours awake and wearing my snowgear/waxing my skis for some slushy park sess tomorrow at the crack of dawn, life's thrown me a few really (relatively from my frame)heavy pieces of shit
I lived in utah. before park came into my life (I moved to F;ing Ohio, talk about a travesty) so I grew up hearing the comments stereotyping snowboarders as crack addled thugswho pushed all the lsnow off the sides of trails when at alta [though snowbird is and will always be my elysium, especially when my dad taught me to ski sunday am b/c all the mormons were at temple reading from hats or whatver (no harm meant -"the conviction w/ whichI rejectanother'slol}.
Of course there;s bad apples amongst both sides of those who ride on two planks versus one, but really we all want the same thing- that feeling of ecstasy coming from the perfect combination of epinephrine, endorphins and the natural universe - some get it from snowboard cross, others from being ski rail technicians and even others from syncing harmoniously sinuoisidal tele turns through waste deep fresh.
Yet shit like this Alta/Nazi controversy and Johnny Tsunami rivalry persists...perhaps whoever said that it is ultimately due to a competition for limited resources (sick park setups, freshies...) had it right but this whole situation is undeniabley a striking microcosm forhuman condition at the moment- (almost ) every religion preaches overlapping concepts of altruism, that the purpose of life is to achieve happiness/nirvana/salvationfor oeself an the only mode ofdoing so is to better the human condition in general..... How many have died because religious differences so infinitesimal in comparison to the undeniable symmetry of our universe/perception thereof. How many more will die because (I love alta btw , alf's high ftw) we can't divy resourcesaccording to some measure of actual need and fairness among men-
The wars in iran/iraq/afghanistan, the revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Bahrem, Yemen, whoeve'rs next can be partially balmed on the wackjob dictators (Musharif claims to have no official gvt role ever, yet dictated Egypt for 30 years w. an armament of the oil we (the US ) seek like crackheads. Thoreaugh and Tyker Durden may have had it right in anarchism as the ideal paradigm of government(or lack thereof) - essentially communism w/o the need for any cental power to divy resources, as people could fall back to the Eastern/mystic ideals of minmalism and seeking knowledge an peace from within, not without.
Niels Bohr- a founding father in the most accepted interpretation of Quantum Mechanics changed his family crest to the yinyang- Heisenberg, similarly praised buddhism and the Eastern philosophical perception of time and space as inseparable entities sound nothing like Gne Relativity or Minkowski spacetime... For fuck sake, the yin side of of meditation, the search for knowledge from w/in as opposed the the brute force algorithm type Yang logic and analysis all too often applied by the West in solving all problems (Sun Tzu-The Art of War's has the central premise iof miminizing conflict and use war as a political tool, vs Western philosophies of unbearably painful contests of attrition (Alexander, Rome, WWI, II)
Many of the most (relatively) recent advances in the understanding of our universe and how we perceive it came not from experiments but Gedanken- Though experiments! sound like seeking an answer from w/ in? Allegedly after an epic bong rip, Alby Einstizzle though about what a shishow it would be to ride around the universe on a beam of light- hence Special Relativity was born (later GR, , he also dabbled in the photoelectric effect (a milestone for QM) and brownian motion postulates as well as providing the thoughtful analysis summed via EPR paradox challenging the completeness and accuracy of QM math formalisms/ experimental results and catalyzing some really cool interpretations (simulated reality (Matrix anyone), quantum immortality via valse vacuum and multiversal ennucleation, pilot Wave).
Further warning , this rage (and probably prozac) induced logorhea and near psychotic rant is about to culminate in a completely temporally incoherent liquid shit- maybe itll be spatially coherent, well see..
Complementarity, wave/particle duality and metaphysical dualism are addressed well bythe famous Buddhist Koan- the master asks "2 hands clap and make a sound, what sound does one hand make" then he got to hit his bitch tudent w/a stick till he had broken down his rational mind and gave an adequate answer...Fight Club, the chemical burn? to fill a cup you have to empty it first) - wave particle duality, epr paradox /elements of reality, its all intertwined and all balanced - there are no facts, only interpretations- Nietzche- the violationof Bell's inequality proves this! There is no fundamental element of reality/hidden variable that makes my surface one lifes white, or 179 cm and most importantly the gnarliest skis ever (i take itall back, stiff poppy 3 stage rocker is Nirvana/Elysium.Heaven the Tao), and there are no hidden variables that determine these observables. (In Dirac ntation, the operator Gna^r[Psi> gives the eigenvalues for the joy induced by Surface skis )
BETTER YET, I ALREADY GLIMPSED REPORTS about raised RADIOACTIVITY LEVELS IN AMERICAN FOOD as a result of the nquake/meltdown DPr-maybe MSNBC does have a phenomenal sense of humor. My geiger counter (you don't have one, what are you amish?) gets more hits when i walk by whatever the fuck is growing on the dirty dishes in my sink, and when I am w/in a 19 km radius of Dick CHeney (the man literally has no pulse- just a constant, mechanized flow of blood (Type BS negative)- no systole, no diastole, and definitely no compassion or accountability. Legitimately, I'd get fewer counts on Lady GAGA (I named the geiger counter) on a walkabout 12 klicks from the plants)I say klicks cuz I was in Nam...
I WILL PERSONALLY SAY MEAN WORDS ABOUT THE NEXT FUCKING NEWS NETWORK TO SENSATIONALIZE THE ALARMIST IDEA THAT YOUR WHEATIEs will now come fortified w/ radioactive particles btw, *Dibs on the first box of alpha wheaties, beta flavored fruity pebbles too sounds fuckin tasty) .
Likewise, whatever creton in cali is claimingto feel a 2rd head sprouting from genetic mutations caused by uranium particles carried across that really big Pacific pond by the jet stream just has a huge zit, I promise.
Granted, putting 6 nuclear fission plants on a fault line was risky *but* my admittedly undersized left nut's bigger than their entire country, and they are at the forefront of technological innovation despite the fact that just few years ago we went skynet on two of their cities... so it goes.
Ironically the nuclear end of WWII is coherent w/ the Sun Masters (alleged author of the Art of War if you forgot already- don't feel ashamed, its most likely a result of the increasing presence of a new subatomic particle I discovered, a massless force carrier made purely from strange quarks - I named them "Morons" like bosons(har har). These moron particles, as of yet undetectable but have strong theoretical basis for existing, have diffused into the prefrontal cortex's of most people I meet, gradually annihilating the remaining elements of logical syntax, eloquence and genuine emotion of human language LOL EL33T.
In short, storing spent fuel rods in such proximity to active reactor cores is like taking a second gun to your dome in your other hand during a round of Russian roulette (granted this hypothetical 2nd revolver has less chambers loaded,as the exponentially decreasing energy levels of spent fuel rods make spontaneous,nuclear decay and subsequent radioactive emission increasingly unlikely (the odds of a dangerous alpha,beta or gamma emmision are roughly equivalent to the chance of Natalie Portman having a 3way w/ myself and Kiera Knightley)
The strong German desire not to be outdone in quanta of irrational, FUBAR decisions, has llead them to shut down 6 of their own Fission reactors. This leaving that minuscule portion of the human population (e.g.the US is< 05% of worlds population by guesstimating 300 mill to 6 bill) this minority of good guys like us who deserve 60-70% of all natural resources . (Let the record show that I think Nuclear plants are one of few worthy opponents to fossil fuels in terms of E (energy, not molly sadly) output (maybe soon solar panels as well, w/ new advances in q.dots allowing for much greater efficiency via stark shifts (I was/am an undergrad, was working on an identical project till I decided that my life could use a thorough, self induced, fucking up).
What was I shitting out- oh yeah- no wonder everyone fucking hates us, we use all the good shit, afterbang the shit out of little victories and are the most epic "CLAIMERS" ever- I heard The USA hit chads gad on one ski, switch, blindfolded and holding a beer- not one drop spilled on a stomped dub.
AND people think global warming will cause some catastrophic blow to the sustainability of our status quo civilization- (for example, that crap someone accidentlly smeered on a film role which turned out to look like Dennis Quaid, Donnie Darko, and a rush delivery ice age) HOW ABOUT THE SEEMINGLY INEVITABLE CHANGE THAT NEEDS TO COME (and unfortunately ther'esa lot more wmultiplicities for a shitty change resulting in less skiing than a good one-)
I'm sorry for anyone who read that, genuinely, pardon the French (they suck) but sorry for the offensive language and borderline psychosis. 72 hrs is a long time not to sleep. No Inanimate Objects were harmed in the creation of this steaming pile of shit. If I don't stomp my first cork 3 tomorrow, a hot lebian will die. Not murder, result of a quantum entanglement. BTW, I HATE VERYONE EQUALLY (EXCEPT MYSELF< WHO I ATE MUCH MUCH MORE.... FUCK YOU ALTA, LET THE KNUCKLE DRAGGERS HAVE THEIR RIGHTS!)