For a school photo project, I have to enter an AIDS awareness contest, the theme of which, this year, is an emphasis on breaking the traditional stigmas that go with AIDS, like that only gay dudes can get it, etc. I've shot, and I'm happy with what I've shot, but I need to figure out how I want to work text into or around the image. It should have a slogan somewhere, but I can't decide where to place it, or what the exact wording should be: "Sex isn't the only way to get AIDS" just doesn't flow, in my mind. (Obviously, much attention would be paid to the typography involved no matter what)
This is the photo:
I'd greatly appreciate, first of all, feedback on the photo itself (it's not street photography, I guess technically it's a self portrait), and secondly, advice on the specific placement and content of the text. Unfortunately, this photo does not seem like it would fit the bill without any text whatsoever, as it isn't as mainline as others could be due to the fact that it deals with the dirty needle aspect of AIDS more than it does the disease itself.