So i got my bottom two wisdom teeth removed today. They knocked me totally out, all i remember was that the room started to rotate upwards and my eyes couldnt keep up. Its like 12 hours later now and they're still leaking a lot. Anyways, im on soup for the next few days. That and Pog. What was really crazy was waking up after being knocked out. I can remember parts and im sure i must have done them, like getting up out of the chair and walking down to the car, but the only part i really solidly remember was in the supermarket about an hour after i woke up. I remember choosing between progresso and campbells chicken soup and holding both in each hand. And for some weird reason, i remember that the weight of each was like the most important factor in choosing. I feel fine now, but being knocked out seriously messed by brain up for a few hours.
'Shut up norton!'
'Its the Smell.'
'Tight, tight, crevice.'
'Haaappy H-H-aawwwwnakUU! Miiiirry ChRIStMasss! kWAanzaa!'
-Vern Fonk