Freeride Medium Seam Pewter Giro Helmet BRAND NEW in the box, comes with FREE in the plastic Giro XL shirt. And Used Large but BIG oakley RED/WHITE Air Raid Bibs, check my other thread for pics.
Helmet retails for $160 NEW. Ill give it to you for $95 shipped!
Oakley Air Raids!. I was selling them for $100 but ill sell for $85 shipped!
The two items combined add up to a total of $180! BUT if you buy both Ill give them to you WITH the Free brand new Giro Tee! for $150!!!!
$150 for a BRAND NEW HELMET and NEW in the plastic T-Shirt and some OAKLEY AIR RAID snowpants? THats a steal!!! And oh we almost forgot, FREE SHIPPING!!!
Offer up please I want these GONE!!!!
+K for bumps