So I've been searching through a bunch of threads over the past couple of days trying to figure out what I want to do this summer....On the list of things I've seen 1) Get a Job. 2) Skate. 3) Fruitboot. 4) Slackline.
Options 1 and 2 are a definite for me this summer, but I still want more.
I did some research on fruitbooting and aggressive inline looks a bit goofy to me and I don't want to drop 200 bucks on good skates. So I threw that option out.
Finally I started looking into slacklining and noticed that a TON of people are hating on it. Yesterday on a thread i read "I'd rather disembowel a cat than slackline." Even though this person must have some sort of hatred for the feline species I really didn't think a sport deserved such hate. Reading further I find out "slacklining is not a sport, it's just hipsters in parks on tightropes".
So here's to all the haters, the bored kids this summer, and people looking to get an edge up for next ski season in the balance department. If this doesn't prove to you that slacklining is a sport and that there's a huge amount of room for progression in the sport, go die in a hole. I'll be enjoying my new Gibbon Jibline this summer regardless of what you think.
Can't get the video to embed or upload so here's a link