Hahahah... seriously man? Netbooks? THOSE are possibly the most useless idea this millenia. We're going to have to agree to disagree here, but I really don't think you get what the purpose of the modern tablet it. Shit, half these Android tablets don't either and thats why they blow so hard.
Laptops and Tablets are NOT essentially the same thing, at least not anymore. Laptops are starting to phase out desktops as personal computers for the general consumer. Personally, my laptop stays stationary 95% of the time. Its hooked up to another monitor, HD and speakers at all times. Sure, its nice that I can unplug it and take it with me wherever I go, but I would hardly call it "portable." I can't sit on the shitter, elbows on my knees, cruising NS on a laptop. Thats where the tablet comes in.
If laptops are supposed to be portable, tablets are ultraportable. Let me give you a couple examples.
If im loungin on the couch, I dont want a big, awkard laptop sitting on my lap, roasting my balls, trying to make me type QWERTY. I can pick up and set down a tablet as I please, hold it any direction I please, poke it with my finger wherever I please, type one handed, bring it closer to my face, etc.....
Another example. My parents have been traveling all over these past couple months, Alaska, Czech, NY.... Did they take their laptop with them? Fuck no. That would be cumbersome as shit. And when they had us over for dinner to show us all the pictures, did they pass the laptop around the table? Nope iPad again.
You honeslty cant try to compare this:
to this:
the way you are trying to.