Someone before said there's never been as much CO2 in the atmosphere as there is now. That's not exactly true. Its at its highest level in about 650,000 years, a statistic which is quoted relentlessly by warmists in support of their agenda. In truth its not even relevant. They have failed to link the level of CO2 with temperature rise. There have been periods in the earth's past where CO2 was 10 times what it is now with no impact on the temperature.
Likewise, someone said that the temperature increase in the last 100 years has been the most rapid ever. That's very far from the truth. The net increase in temperature throughout the ENTIRE 20th century was cancelled out by the cooling in ONE YEAR (2007). Oh, but the rate of change was so high, they claim. No, not that either. The rate of warming in the warming periods in the 20th century (post WW1 and post 1975) wasn't outside natural variations. Nowhere near it actually.
I suggest you watch this series of videos:
Its by no means a comprehensive overview of the entire debate but it does tackle one of the cornerstones of the AGW debate: CO2. Bob Carter has written many books and he's one of the most highly respected scientists in the world. If you want to fact check his data, go for it.
Oh, and another thing. Don't let warmists give you the "warmest year since records began" argument. Official records began in about 1850 which, as we know, was the end of a cool period in the earth's climate. Of course temperatures increased from there. If you walk up a set of stairs you expect to be higher at the end that you were at the start.