Just saw it, and its my favourite movie of the year. Things you need to get over it before you watch it are: there is alot of footage from l1p and pbp in this movie for the main rider segments, and the intro is the music from happy dayz, and one of the scanners has a jeremy jones song from the resistance. The teaser is also peter lines song from the resistance.
That being said, i felt like i was watching one of my favourite snowboarding movies - the editing and music in this movie are amazing. Who the hell is lars veen and why is he so damn good? You have to see his segment to belive how sick he is along with the rest of the scanners. Pep has lots of new footage in his segment, and henrik has alot of new shots.
Yeah - forums are a bit slow and i just thought i would share this gem with everyone.
Afterlame, fall 04