We see comp result after comp result on the front page. How about more interviews? More content we can't get elsewhere.
The comp results are great and all. Some people really like to see what went down and who placed where at the growing number of contests these days. So I don't think a cut-back in this area is the answer.
But where is the coverage of the War of Rails from Bear? This is up there w/ the Red Bull Cold Rush as a very unique event that happens once a year that a very large portion of NS is very interested in. Instead all the coverage I've seen is a tiny little thread in ski gabber wondering what the hell happened.
I think we can all agree that skiing is getting much bigger in all disciplines, which is great. But it is up to you NS to provide coverage of as many disciplines as possible so that guys like craig coker can keep bringing great events like the war of rails back year after year. It also allows guys who don't want/enjoy the 3-jump comp we call slopestyle to make a living. These guys can't make a better living unless the coverage/exposure is there.