like the 35678900 million of people i broke my collarbone this season.
The docs at the er told me 6 weeks till im better, as do most websites. 6 weeks seems to be the standardish time of healing for these things.
The questions come with my ortho doctor telling me 2.5 MONTHS till i can do contact sports aka skiing. I loled.
Everything ive read on here and most biking forums says 6 weeks and your pretty sturdy
Its been a lil over three weeks for me now and i have 0 pain anymore and full range of motion (im a little weak from being in a sling so long but pt will fix that fast) So im pretty stoked on how im healing.
I overdose on calcium supplements everyday and do exercises to stimulate bone growth all day in school as i sit there
I didnt have to have surgury and it wasnt even broken all the way through, just bent a bit and snapped about 2/3 of the way through. And its straightening out a little already but its still crooked
So, ns i shall be good to return to the hill in 6 weeks to go hard? How did everyone elses collabones feel crashing on them 6 weeks later?